
Baptism is both a gift of God’s grace and a call to discipleship. In Baptism, we join with Christ in his death by renouncing all that keeps us from God, and we join in his resurrection by being born to a new life in Christ. The Baptismal Covenant describes both the promises and responsibilities of this new way of life.
Who may be Baptized?
Persons of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to be baptized. The parents and godparents make solemn vows on behalf of the child, and reaffirm their own baptismal vows, promising to raise the child in the Christian faith. Older children and adults who wish to be baptized are sponsored by at least one baptized person who promises to support, by prayer and example, the one being baptized. If you have been baptized in another tradition but wish to join the Episcopal Church, or if you are in a place in your life where you wish to reaffirm your baptism, we welcome a conversation with you about the possibility of reception into the Episcopal Church or reaffirmation of your baptismal vows.
When do Baptisms occur?
Baptisms always occur as part of regular worship, when the community is gathered to witness the promises made and proclaim its welcome and willingness to support the newly baptized. They usually occur on major feast days during the church year, but may happen at other times, except during Lent.
Preparation for Baptism
A meeting with the clergy is required before scheduling a baptism, and some preparation is required, in order that persons receiving the sacrament understand the promises made by God and by the one to be baptized.
For more information, contact the Rev. Sarah Smith Halloran.