Service to Grace

Members are a vital part of the worship service and in other ministries serving the parish. The goal of these ministries is to nurture the members so as to prepare them for service in growing the Kingdom of God. All are welcomed to volunteer for and attend periodic training for each of these ministries.
This ministry is open to young parishioners to assist with the service by lighting the worship candles, carrying the cross, handing the bread and wine to the priest during communion, and extinguishing the candles at the end of the service.
Altar Guild

Those participating in this ministry are dedicated to preparation of the altar for worship and communion by preparing the bread and wine; caring for the altar linens, plate, chalice, candles, and lectionary materials; and laying out the items needed for each service.
Flower Guild

This group works very closely with the Altar Guild to prepare the altar for each service by purchasing flowers or obtaining them from the cutting garden, and arranging flowers and placing them on the altar.
Lay Weeders & Gardeners

This group (with or without green thumbs) ministers to the beautiful and extensive gardens at Grace, assisting the garden designer and the gardener in keeping weeds under control, straightening up borders, and other garden maintenance tasks; grass inside the church close is maintained by a lawn service, but the grass outside the close is mowed by our parishioners.
Licensed Eucharistic Minister
Parishioners may become trained to serve in the role of Licensed Eucharistic Minister (LEM) or Eucharistic Minister (EM) in the worship service, wearing vestments and assisting the priest in administering communion and providing the second reading and other parts of the service.
Music & Choir

The Grace Episcopal Church Adult Choir is both appreciated and loved by the congregation at large. Currently the Adult Choir is made up of 10 dedicated members-three sopranos, two altos, and five baritones and led by Choirmaster and Organist Sandra Allen who has trained, inspired and accompanied the choir since 1977.
In addition to leading the congregation in hymns and other servi…
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Families who sign up for this service take a role in the worship service by prayerfully delivering the wine and bread from the oblations table to the altar for communion. Ushers also serve periodically at weddings and funerals.
In each service readers deliver the first scripture reading and the psalm, and lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People. Readers may also lead Morning Prayer when the rector is away.
In each worship service, the usher hands out service bulletins, helps worshipers to be seated as needed, guides people to the altar for communion, and handles the offering plate.